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DVD Murders


The DVD Murderer, MARK ALEXANDER, held former homicide detective BRENDA CORRINO captive two years ago. He sexually assaulted her along with three other women, while she was working undercover. It took its tow on Brenda and kept her down and out until now. Her ex-partner, FRANK GIANNI, was investigating the bizarre murder of college student, GARY STVAN, when he inadvertently let his guard down and now he remains comatose in a hospital bed.


Brenda recruits her ex-boyfriend, Medical Examiner DR. DARREN CROWE, to help her find out who killed Stvan and put Frank in the coma. They investigate while waiting for the trial of the DVD Murderer to begin. Frank was to be the main witness for the prosecution, but the testimony of Brenda and Darren will have to suffice.


Brenda engages DAVID BALDWIN of the Violent Crimes Unit (VCU) for information on Frank’s case. He cuts her some slack because she was a former homicide detective and held in high regard by Frank. He agrees to work with her. She learns that Frank is recently separated from his wife and is a member of several online dating websites. Baldwin says it’s another angle they are pursuing.


The trial finally begins and Alexander’s attorney is allowed to use photographs of a partially clothed Brenda during the trial to discredit her testimony. However, a surprise witness comes forward and seals Alexander’s fate. Although he is found innocent of murder, he is convicted of kidnapping and sexual assault.


During her investigation, Brenda receives a voicemail from ADAM BOWMAN, a former classmate of Stvan, stating he may know why Stvan was murdered. As more students turn up dead, Brenda learns that several of their parents sued the Board of Education and a former teacher, JAN HOLDEN, was fired during that same school year. Further investigation reveals that she was one of Frank’s online conquests and has an ongoing relationship with Bowman as well.


Brenda concludes a trap needs to be set to get the murderer to reveal his or herself. She has Bowman arrange a party for his former classmates who were involved in the lawsuit, as well as, Jan Holden. The party is under surveillance with hidden video cameras installed by the VCU. All eyes are on Holden until a former student, ERICA WRIGHT, jumps out of a closet with a knife and threatens to kill Bowman and Holden. The VCU records Wright’s self-incrimination and enters the room to wrestle the knife away and secure her in handcuffs.


I believe “DVD Murders” delivers exactly what movie goers expect from a suspenseful thriller. The characters are dynamic and witty, with a dash of romantic tension thrown in for good measure. It will appeal to a very wide audience. 

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